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Christian "Drill Screwed" Indregard

Christian "Drill Screwed" Indregard

Drums - Christian "Drill Screwed" Indregard

Laid-back potato-pancake maker from Gjøvik with a strong preference for anything that produces noise when drummed (including sounds like «Ouch!»). Christian is a very solid and steady hitter, which should be the trademark of any serious drummer. No cocking about here!

Christian enjoys his own company and spends a lot of time in his home recording studio. He also enjoys questioning near strangers about their personal life, in a comfortable way. Other than that, he makes a living as a commercial designer.

  • Age: Close to thirty
  • Dress code: Corduroy jacket, worn out jeans, tobacco and Old Spice
  • Food: Potato-pancakes & Ompa-Lompas
  • Drink: Preferably imported, rare and foul-tasting beers
  • Bands: Hauk, Wolfram, Bon Scotch. Pelsjegerne, High Powered Mutants and Nr.92 Lomperud (in addition to other, weirder, projects).

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Special thanks to Annette Brenner for german translation, and Siân Kristin Phillips for english translation.