Vocals - Espen "Brown Scotch" Tarberg
A colourful and enthusiastic rocker from Larvik, with a passion for everything old and motorised. A ray of blinding sunshine, he easily holds his own, both on and off stage! Espen is definitely not one to hold himself back, even when politely asked (red: begged) to.
In his spare time, this jack-of-all-trades enjoys touring the homes of madams in distress (tool box in hand). He is also, coincidentally (or shall we say, consequently), the only band member currently experiencing the joys of fatherhood.
- Age: Thirtysomething
- Dress code: Jeans, a scarf and long johns
- Food: Tinned foods and bad fish
- Drink: Preferably whiskey. Highland, with a drop of water. Herbal tea with honey.
- Bands: Wolfram, Bon Scotch, Pelsjegerne, AD/HD, and other more ambitious, dark acts.
Check out the online portrait of Espen, constructed by media students at UoB: Online Portrait
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